Here at Vibrant Church, our desire is to create a culture of disciple-making based on the 7 rhythms of discipleship and experiential learning.

Built on the first church from Acts 2, School of Discipleship is a simple, intentional plan for the healthy spiritual growth for the believer.  Whether you’ve been following Jesus for 30 years or 30 minutes, this is for you!  We can’t wait to partner with you on this life-changing, disciple-making journey!

The following 7 rhythms are the foundation of this experience and the life of any growing disciple.


Scripture is the very Word of God. Through it, He equips us with all we need to learn about Him and live a life pleasing to Him. A daily rhythm of reading, meditating on and applying God’s Word to our lives is key.



One of the most important elements in any relationship is communication. Prayer is just that: engaging God in a conversation, sharing our hearts with Him, and spending time listening to His voice, both individually and in community.


Jesus saves those who believe and call upon His name. Saving grace is once and for all (justification) and also a continual invitation to repent for our wrongdoings. With the help of the Spirit we take inventory of our lives, humbly and honestly confess our sin, and turn away from our sin toward God in surrender. Through Jesus’ offer of forgiveness, we receive true freedom.



Giving demonstrates our dependence on God. We acknowledge that all we own has been given to us by Him. In His generosity to us, God desires that we, too, are generous and will use our resources as a tangible way to partner with Him in His work in the world and in the lives of those around us. We are blessed to be a blessing.


We are called and equipped by the Holy Spirit to share God’s love by participating in the ministry of Jesus. He has given us agency with Him to fearlessly influence our society and the world. When we serve in the world and in His church, we impact those around us and reveal God’s glory.



The greatest gift we can ever give someone who doesn’t yet know Jesus is an introduction to Him. Sharing our life stories is the most powerful way to show the transforming power and salvation offered through Jesus Christ. When we tell our stories of transformation, we tell the story of God.


As children of God, it is important to consistently set aside time to remember what God has done, to thank Him for it, and to put Him on display as we give Him the glory. In all circumstances, we are called to practice God-centered worship.

Level One

The Rooted experience is a 10-week journey of learning and practice. You and your group will learn foundational Christian beliefs and practice the 7 rhythms of discipleship from the New Testament. Throughout the experience you will be challenged and inspired to step beyond your comfort zone as you follow Jesus.

As the first level of School of Discipleship, Rooted will be a journey into a deeper connection with God, purpose, and the Church. Together, you and your group will experience the joy of following Jesus and build strong connections within the church community.

          • This 10 week course runs from August 26 – November 4
          • We meet Monday nights from 6pm – 7pm at Vibrant Church
          • You will be in small groups (8-12 people) led by a facilitator
          • There is a cost incurred, which includes the curriculum workbook
          • Childcare is available

Level Two

Anyone who wants to understand their own story must understand the gospel story of Jesus told throughout the Bible.

The Story of God is an 8-week, group-discipleship course exploring the overarching redemptive narrative of the Bible. Traveling chronologically from Genesis to Revelation, this study will remove the intimidation factor and allow you to discover the story of Jesus on every page of the Bible.

          • This 8 week course that begins on the week of  August 26
          • Groups meet one night a week from 6pm – 7pm
          • You will be in small groups (8-12 people) led by a facilitator
          • There is a cost incurred, which includes the curriculum workbook



How do I register?

Registration is easy! You can register to attend by selecting one of the registration links above. The registration fee is $40 per person for Rooted, and $25 per person for Story of God. These costs include all sessions, your workbook, and childcare for Rooted.

Is there childcare available?

Childcare will be offered for Rooted only on Monday. Costs are included in the registration fee.

Where will my group meet?

Rooted groups meet on location at Vibrant Church.

Story of God groups will meet at a location determined by your facilitator.

When will my group meet?

Rooted groups will meet on Mondays from 6pm  – 7pm.

Story of God groups could meet any day of the week from 6pm – 7pm. On the registration form, please let us know the best 2 days that work for you.

What if I cannot make all weeks?

School of Discipleship is a large time commitment, but we believe it will be worthwhile for you to invest in the entire process. If you know you are going to miss more than two meetings, we ask you wait until the next session of School of Discipleship. The sessions are a cumulative experience, so we ask every participant to honor each other by attending every meeting.

How will my group be chosen?

Our team will prayerfully place participants into groups of about 8-12 people. We group by age, marital status, and life stage. We form groups of married couples, singles, women, men, and young adults. These groups ultimately depend upon the demographic of those who register. A substantial amount of prayer and thoughtfulness goes into creating groups which we think will provide the best experience for all people who attend. While we do our best to honor requests when possible, we cannot guarantee we will be able to accommodate all friend or leader requests.

What if I can't afford the registration fee?

We believe that School of Discipleship is a life-changing experience and we want everyone to participate! We understand that the registration fee may be a burden for some and we are happy to support you if that is your current situation. To apply for financial assistance, or to sponsor someone for School of Discipleship, select one of the options below.

Can I Participate in Story of God if I have not completed Rooted?

Both levels of School of Discipleship are available to everyone. However, we strongly recommend that you complete Rooted before beginning Story of God.

Can I facilitate a Rooted group?

Rooted facilitators get a front-row seat to something remarkable – God transforming lives. Rooted leaders must have graduated from Rooted and agree to our leadership covenant. Please email if you are interested in facilitating.

Can I Facilitate a Story of God Group?

We are not accepting any more facilitators for Story of God at this time.